My first animation in about 8-9 years, In that time I visited Canada ended up married and immigrating and have been there since.
About 2 years ago I start drawing again trying to get my artwork allot better and have entered a few of the newground art cotnests too.
Left4Fulp was originally meant to be left4Zoey a parody sketch but thats been done so Ive mixed it up and done a L4D/Newgrounds comedy. And after hours of working away its almost there, I still need to lay down my vocals for Stamper and JohnnyUtah but after watching all their animations I realized being British it was never going to sound like them so I'm just going for a more generic sound instead.
The Basic premise of the movie is a neglected P-Bot runs out of power leading to a catastrophe! at the newgrounds building (Which I stalked out on Google Streetview)
I was originally going to post this as under a new username to hide from my previous shitty work but decided not to hide from my shitty past lol
Tom if you read this and arnt pissed at me after the flash movie hopefully you will let me change my username, its no longer relevant anymore!
Hope I finish this damn soon ! im getting allot of wife aggro !