Its been 8 years since my last submissions and I'm back..almost..with Left4Zoey parody Movie, he is the image for the loading screen I created. Still trying to find a voice for Zoey if I dont find one Ill just use my wife for that special "Why the hell are you making me do this" tone!
Im actually drawing everything for once also instead of just dragging in a photoshop image and F**king it hard untill it seemed funny. Plus also the sound will actually be synced with the movie how fun is that !
Just finishing up the script and and drawing out the characters at the moment, Im pretty excited as ive not completed a movie in so long!!!
I was actually going to post movies under a whole new username and abandon my old work totally but I think its better to come back to contrast my old work againts the new shtuff. Hey TOP PLEASE CHANGE MY USERNAME TO GRINDOLF FROM DARTHNEBULA!!!...seriously what the hell is Darthnebula anyway I dont even get it !
Why would you do such a thing?
Which thing, Im doing like...a few things